
Sociology – Family 從社會學看家庭制度

Sociology – Family 從社會學看家庭制度


(USA, 1950, 90% of households were families, related by blood, marriage or adoption. But in 2003, it reduced to 68%, might be in cohabitation, singlehood)
(Macionis, J. J., 2006, Society : The Basics. Pearson Prentice Hall.)
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Family - 家庭制度,定義?傳統定義
* It is a social institution 社會制度 that unites 結合 people in cooperative 合作 groups to oversee the bearing and raising of children.生殖,養育子女。
* Family ties [also called kinship] – 親屬關係, social bond based on blood, marriage or adoption, who usually live together.血緣,婚姻,收養。

* Usually families form around marriage.

* 婚姻 Marriage is a legal relationship, 合法關係,usually involving economic cooperation 經濟合作,as well as sexual activity and childbearing, that people expect to last.性關係,生育兒女。

* Families of affinity – 親和感覺形成之家庭。people with or without legal or blood ties who feel they belong together and want to define themselves as a family; including unmarried but committed partners of the same or opposite sex.

* The global trend is toward a broader definition of family;世界出現了多元化的家庭定義。
* But many business and government programs still use the conventional definition of family.傳統及法律定義之家庭。

家戶 household, 不等於 家庭 family ?


* 擴展家庭 Extended family
[usually in preindustrial societies] – it is a family unit that includes parents and children as well as other kin living together.

* 工業化社會 With industrialization, increasing social mobility and geographic migration give rise to the nuclear family 核心家庭 – it is a family unit composed of one or two parents and their children.

Marriage patterns 婚姻形態
* Endogamy – 族內通婚,marriage between people of the same social category; it limits marriage prospects to others of the same age, village, race, religion, or social class.
* Exogamy – 族外通婚,marriage between people of different social categories.
* E.g. in India, some people are expected to marry someone from the same caste [endogamy] but from a different village [exogamy].

* The reason for endogamy is that people of similar position pass along their standing and wealth to their children, thereby maintaining the traditional social hierarchy.例如,古埃及皇族。古代猶太民族。
* On the other hand, exogamy links communities and encourages the heterogeneity of genes and spread of culture.


Patriarchy 父權制
Matriarchy 母權制
Egalitarian system 平權體系

* Monogamy – 一夫一妻制, one to one marriage
* Polygamy – 多偶婚制,marriage that unites 3 or more people;
* Polygamy – polygyny – 一夫多妻,marriage that unites one man and many wives;
* Polygamy – polyandry – 一妻多夫, marriage that unites one woman and many husbands.

* Patrilocality – 從夫居,new couple lives near the husband's family;
* Matrilocality -- 從妻居,new couple lives near the wife's family;
* Neolocality – 從新居,new couple lives apart from both sets of parents.
Bilocal residence, 雙地居住。
* [considering factors of protection and financial conditions]

* Descent – the system by which members of a society trace kinship over generations.
Unilineal descent , 單系繼嗣
* Patrilineal descent – 父系繼嗣, the system that traces kinship through males, so that property flows from fathers to sons [e.g. in pastoral and agrarian societies];
* Matrilineal descent ,母系繼嗣,–by which people define only the mother's side as kin; and property passes from mothers to daughters [e.g. in horticultural societies]
E g ,中國摩梭族之母系社會

* 一夫一妻制 Monogamy is the only legal form of marriage throughout the western hemisphere and in much of the rest of the world.
* In most African nations and in southern Asia, however, 多偶婚制 polygamy is permitted by law. In many cases, this practice reflects the historic influence of Islam, a religion that allows a man to have up to four wives.


How are families changing?
* From extended family to nuclear family
* From arranged marriages to romantic love [affection and sexual passion toward another person]
* Late marriage 遲婚
* Children of working parents [latchkey kinds who fend for themselves]雙薪家庭
* One-child families 一孩家庭
* singlehood 單身
* Adoption 收養
* Divorce 離婚
* Single parent families 單親家庭
* Cohabitation 同居
* Gay and lesbian couples 同性配偶
* Test-tube babies and other new reproductive technology 試管嬰兒,surrogacy 代母。

結構功能學派 Structural-functional view
家庭的功能 Family performs many vital tasks --
* Socialization 社會化,文化傳承,
* Regulation of sexual activity – 規範性行為,for kinship organization, 亂倫禁忌incest taboo, social integration;
* Social placement – 替換社會成員,passing the social identity / status / wealth to the next generation [also related to race, ethnicity, religion, social class]
* Material and emotional security [physical protection, emotional support, financial assistance],經濟及情感支持,

Social conflict approach
* Exploitation and violence within a family 剝削與家庭暴力
* Gender inequality within family and kinship 性別不平等
* Housework does not count with salary;家務無酬
* Property and inheritance財產繼承不公平
* Patriarchy – all power and property belong to the male;父權社會
* Maintain inequalities between social class, race and ethnicity

Causes of divorce
* Individualism 個人主義
* Fading romantic love 浪漫愛情消失
* Women are less dependent on men
* Stressful life in family [stress in work and child raising] 生活壓力
* Divorce is socially acceptable 社會攙受
* Divorce is legally easier to get 法律訴訟的成本
Who get divorce more likely?那類人比較容易離婚?
* Got married in young age, with brief courtship, with poor finance, not mature emotionally, married after unexpected pregnancy; with bad habits [gambling, drug abuse]; not religious;
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Home exercise
* Find three couples with different age groups [e.g. age at 35, 50, 65]; write stories about them –
* How did they get to know their partners? Why did they get marriage? What are expected to get in a family/marriage?
* Any problem and happiness in family life? How do they maintain a marriage? Did they think about divorce? Why or why not to get divorce?

Sent from Dr Sunny Chan 陳卓華博士
tel +853-66357631

